Once a championship has been created, and reference dots and hole locations set, you can print championship quality Hole Location sheets using DEACON.
Printing Hole Location Sheets
1) Make sure your computer is connected to the printer.
2) In the list of championships at your facility, click on the clipboard icon to the left of the championship name to access the Setting Multiple Hole Location feature:
Printing Hole Location Sheets ...
3) Select the round you wish to print Hole Location sheets. Check the grid color and select Show +/- (or hide) distance from center of green.
When setting are correct, click the printer icon:
Tip: Be sure to check the box to PRINT ALL HOLES. You can also print Front or Back nine only, or individual holes.
4) The hole location sheet will be generated as a PDF and is ready to print or to save:
Tip: Depending on PDF application or browser, the printing sequence and format may vary. Check your printer settings if sheets do not print correctly.
5) If any hole locations, text, distances, or greens are not correct, return to Hole Location in MAPS to adjust.
Tip: You can "duplicate" a championship to save time setting reference dots and hole locations when creating future hole location sheets that will use the same course setup.